Is Artificial Intelligence Dangerous? Unveiling the Absence of Spiritual Intelligence in AI


For thousands of years, human history has been recorded, analyzed, and passed down through generations. This vast repository of knowledge, culture, and wisdom is now being fed into artificial intelligence (AI) systems, shaping their understanding of the world. But there's a catch. The data we're feeding them is biased. It's a reflection of our past, with all its prejudices, stereotypes, and blind spots. And one of the most overlooked of these biases is the absence of female spiritual intelligence.

As we stand on the precipice of a new era, where AI systems are poised to become an integral part of our daily lives, the implications of this bias are profound. Imagine a world where AI influences our decisions, from the books we read to the candidates we hire, from the art we create to the policies we implement. If these AI systems are biased, they could perpetuate and amplify existing inequalities, marginalizing voices that have been silenced for too long.

This isn't just about fairness or representation. It's about the future of our society. It's about ensuring that the AI of tomorrow benefits from all forms of human intelligence, that it understands and values the unique insights that female spiritual intelligence can provide. This is our call to action. This is our plea for inclusivity. This is our journey towards a more balanced and holistic understanding of intelligence.

A Deeper Dive into Spiritual Intelligence

As the initiator of the United Female Gifts movement, I've personally experienced the transformative power of spiritual intelligence. It's a unique blend of wisdom, intuition, and empathy, often nurtured through spiritual journeys. However, spiritual intelligence is not just about personal transformation. It's also about how we interact with others and the world around us.

According to Danah Zohar, a renowned management thought leader, physicist, philosopher, and author, spiritual intelligence is the foundation of a new paradigm for collaborative action. She emphasizes the importance of three forms of capital for successful collaboration: material, social, and spiritual. While material capital relates to the financial wealth necessary for any enterprise, social capital is about the trust, empathy, and community commitment that glue society together.

But the most fundamental of these is spiritual capital. It reflects what an individual or organization exists for, believes in, aspires to, and takes responsibility for. It's about accessing higher meanings, values, abiding purposes, and unconscious aspects of the self and embedding these meanings, values, and purposes in living richer and more creative lives.

Spiritual intelligence involves the ability to think out of the box, humility, and an access to energies that come from something beyond the ego, beyond just me and my day-to-day concerns. It's a form of intelligence that values interconnectedness, compassion, and holistic understanding.

In the context of AI, spiritual intelligence can play a crucial role in shaping how we design and implement AI systems. It can guide us to create AI that respects human values, promotes empathy, and contributes positively to society.

If you want to learn more about these principles, you can visit Danah Zohar's website here.

Deep Dive into Female Spiritual Intelligence

To better understand female spiritual intelligence, let's look at the lives and works of two remarkable women: Starhawk and Vandana Shiva.
Starhawk, is an American feminist and author. She is known as a theorist of feminist Neopaganism and ecofeminism. She is a prominent figure in modern earth-based spirituality, has dedicated her life to the advocacy of regenerative culture, earth-based spirituality, and permaculture. Her work embodies the essence of female spiritual intelligence, emphasizing interconnectedness, compassion, and holistic understanding. She has been actively working to create a world that values these aspects of intelligence, demonstrating how they can be harnessed to address our world's most pressing issues.

On the other hand, Dr. Vandana ShivaVandana Shivaa is an Indian scholar, environmental activist, food sovereignty advocate, ecofeminist and anti-globalisation author.
She has shown how female spiritual intelligence can transform our approach to agriculture and food. She has been a strong advocate for biodiversity in agriculture, arguing that it can increase productivity, nutrition, and farmers' incomes. Her work highlights the importance of empathy and holistic understanding in addressing global challenges.

“We are either going to have a future where women lead the way to make peace with the Earth or we are not going to have a human future at all.”

― Dr. Vandana Shiva


Consider a situation where a community is facing a water shortage. A woman with strong spiritual intelligence might approach this problem by considering the interconnectedness of all life. She might propose a solution that not only addresses the water shortage but also takes into account the impact on local ecosystems, the community's relationship with the environment, and long-term sustainability. This holistic approach is a hallmark of female spiritual intelligence, as discussed in this article.


The Problem: A Bias in AI

AI, as it stands today, is far from perfect. It's prone to biases that can perpetuate harmful stereotypes and discrimination. For instance, a study titled 'What's in my AI?' discusses various instances of AI bias, such as gender and racial bias in facial recognition systems, and bias in language models. To understand how AI can be biased, it's essential to know how AI learns. AI systems are trained on vast amounts of data, learning patterns and making predictions based on this data. However, if the data used to train the AI contains biases, the AI can learn and replicate these biases. A comprehensive exploration of this issue can be found in the paper 'What's in my AI?'.

Dr Alan D. Thompson, (Jun/2023).

A more specific example can be seen in the AI-powered art platform, Midjourney. When prompted to create a picture of a "WITCH IN ACTION", the AI produced images of a witch with glowing red eyes, causing harm to the world. This portrayal feeds into the negative stereotype of witches as evil figures, demonstrating a clear bias in the AI's output.
Screenshot of Midjourney. Prompt: "Witch in Action" 

The Implications

The bias in AI has far-reaching implications. It means that AI systems may not fully understand or value the perspectives and contributions of women, particularly those with a strong spiritual orientation. This can lead to AI systems that perpetuate existing biases, marginalize women's voices, and fail to benefit from the unique insights that female spiritual intelligence can provide.

For instance, consider an AI system used in hiring processes. If the system is trained on data that reflects a bias towards certain types of intelligence, it may overlook candidates who exhibit strong female spiritual intelligence. This could lead to a lack of diversity in the workplace and a loss of valuable perspectives and skills.

Similarly, in the realm of AI-powered art, the bias can lead to the creation of artworks that reinforce harmful stereotypes, as we saw with the 'witch in action' image from Midjourney. This not only limits the diversity and richness of AI-generated art but also perpetuates a narrow and biased view of the world.

These are just a few examples of how the bias in AI can have real-world consequences. It's a problem that affects us all, regardless of whether we work in tech, use AI-powered services, or simply live in a society where AI is increasingly prevalent.


Max Tegmark and the Future of AI

Max Tegmark, a renowned physicist and co-founder of the Future of Life Institute, has been a vocal advocate for the responsible development and use of AI. His work emphasizes the importance of aligning AI with human values and ensuring its benefits are shared by all. Tegmark's vision for the future of AI is one where it is not just a tool for efficiency and convenience, but a force for good that respects and upholds our shared human values. He warns that if we fail to align AI with these
values, we risk creating AI systems that perpetuate existing inequalities and biases, including the underrepresentation of female spiritual intelligence.

In his book, "Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence", Tegmark explores the future of AI and how it will affect our society. He discusses the potential benefits and risks of AI, and how we can navigate these challenges to ensure a future where AI is beneficial for all.

Tegmark's work serves as a reminder that the development of AI is not just a technical challenge, but a societal one. It's about ensuring that as we advance in our technological capabilities, we don't lose sight of our human values and the diverse forms of intelligence that make us who we are.

Possible Solutions

Addressing AI bias requires a multi-faceted approach. This includes diversifying the teams that build AI systems, ensuring that the data used to train these systems is representative of all groups, and implementing rigorous testing to detect and correct biases.

"Moreover, we need to foster a culture of inclusivity in the AI community. This means encouraging and supporting women, particularly those with a spiritual orientation, to participate in AI development. It also means creating spaces for dialogue and collaboration, where diverse perspectives can be heard and valued."


Finally, we need to invest in research and education. We need to better understand female spiritual intelligence and how it can be represented in AI. We also need to educate the public about AI and its biases, so they can make informed decisions and contribute to the conversation.


Call to Action

We stand at a unique juncture in history, a time window that has opened up for us to influence the future of AI. This is a complex issue that requires ongoing discussion and action. We invite you to join the conversation. Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below. Let's work together to create AI systems that truly represent all forms of human intelligence.

But the conversation doesn't stop here. We encourage you to learn more about AI and its biases. Read books like Max Tegmark's "Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence". Attend seminars, webinars, and workshops on AI. Engage with AI systems and see for yourself how they work and where they fall short.

The clock is ticking, and the time to act is now. The decisions we make today about AI will shape our society for years to come. Let's not miss this opportunity to ensure that the AI of the future is inclusive, balanced, and truly representative of all forms of human intelligence.

Most importantly, let's not forget the power of female spiritual intelligence. Let's celebrate it, nurture it, and ensure it's represented in the AI of the future. Together, we can create a more inclusive, balanced, and holistic understanding of intelligence in our AI systems and in our society.

Now that you've delved into the intersection of AI and female spiritual intelligence, we'd love to hear your thoughts. Do you agree with the points raised? Do you have a different perspective? Perhaps you have personal experiences or insights you'd like to share? The discussion section below is your space to voice your thoughts, ask questions, share insights, and engage with others on this topic. Remember, every comment contributes to the broader conversation and helps us all learn and grow.

So don't hesitate - join the discussion now!


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Wyla, aka Stephanie Ackermann