Women Will Save the World - But wait, there is the story about Money

 Photo by Midjourney

Humans have become more anxious
about their future than ever.


Numbers tell the truth, and spiritual people talk about “the coming shift.” This isn't a national thing; it's a worldwide phenomenon. You can nearly taste it in the air. Everybody feels somehow that something is off. Well, we have messed it up, in a way.


You feel that too, right? Of course, you do. We all do. So, as we are in the same picture now, I would like to ask you to follow me for a fascinating story that happens in the middle of this setting. It is often overlooked and not in the news nor the focus.

I want to tell you a story about the heroes in this setting. We all clearly know the villain, right? Yes, the clear opposite of this villain are WOMEN.

Maybe something has shifted within them too, worldwide. Because there is an increasing number of women who are founding NGOs. (A 2023 study by the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN) found that women founded 42% of impact investing deals in 2022, up from 36% in 2021.) This is not a tiny glimpse. No. This is a strong trend. As usual, they are doing this without fighting for sick attention. They do it with resilience, empathy, and innovation. This is what they have learned for thousands of years because the villain was always present for them.

 Photo by Midjourney

I guess you sense it already. I’m a strong supporter of women. I work with them every day, and so I was invited to a network event a few weeks ago for female NGO founders. Excited about this opportunity, I went there to meet and greet these world-changers, these inspiring, purpose-driven role models. I listened to an introduction of one of these women. She told us her life story about founding an impressive NGO 30 years ago. She was able to create a franchise with more than 35 dependencies. And during her presentation, she said that one sentence:

“I enjoyed creating that NGO. It is like my child.
But it was always difficult. I often could barely survive.”

Wait! What? Barely survive with more than 35 dependencies?

It hit me like a train, this déjà vu that I suddenly had. I was back again in my very own past, as the founder of a stock exchange-listed company. The only difference from her story to mine was that I closed my company, which also often felt like my own child, because I couldn’t hold it up anymore.

So, if you assume now that two women met that night who just hadn’t a clue about real business and were struggling because they were not “good enough,” I invite you to leave this blog post now. Enjoy your time with the villain. If you are interested in understanding what the truth behind every struggling businesswoman is, please stay. I promise I won't say that it is a man. And I have data.


Have a look at these numbers:


Let’s get back to my plot. I told you that I had to close my own company. By that time, I felt like a complete failure. But this wasn’t the end of my story. It was the best thing that has happened to me.

In the following years, I often asked myself what I had missed within that experience. And I often found myself between self-doubt and an enormous anger. It wasn’t the anger that could smash some plates against the wall. It was an anger that was able to tear the world into pieces. But wait, if there was that much anger, there must have been power, right? That was the best question I ever asked myself.

I experienced what is commonly known as a spiritual awakening. No, I was not running through forests, singing songs, and catching butterflies.

A spiritual awakening is the scariest thing you can go through. You shed everything that you know about yourself and the world, and if you're lucky, you come out with a knowing of “who you really are.”

Let me introduce myself again to you. My name is Wyla, and I love data and the spiritual world. I found my true abilities. The one that impresses me the most, even today, is that I can connect anyone who wants it with their spirits. I do that to this day with a 100% success rate. I found the missing piece within my failure story.


Plus, understanding the villain in my story and in the lives of so many other women was key. It has a name. It is hegemonic masculinity. Not to be confused with patriarchy. Correct! Hegemonic masculinity can even be owned by women. Here is a detailed explanation of this:

"Hegemonic masculinity, often misunderstood as a synonym for patriarchy, is a more nuanced concept that refers to the dominant form of masculinity in society. It's characterized by traits like aggression, dominance, and stoicism, which are often valued and rewarded in men. While hegemonic masculinity is often associated with men, it can also be internalized and perpetuated by women. Understanding how hegemonic masculinity operates is crucial for dismantling gender inequality and creating a more equitable society."
Source: Whitehead, S. (2002). Hegemonic masculinity: An intersectional analysis. Gender & Society, 16(5), 82-99.

So today, I have dedicated my gifts to women, and I see them daily going through the same experiences that I went through. My experiences with these women made me write this blog article. Because I think that I found a part of the answer to why these women struggle to do good in this world.


I see them within my sessions, confronted with a supremacy of limiting beliefs in themselves and deeply ingrained experiences as humans who are just not seen as “equal.”


Especially the women I work with feel that they want to make an impact in this world. They want to do good and help others. But honestly, they all have experienced the same things. Because there is also data about how many credits go worldwide to women, and especially women who are founders of NGOs. You guessed it. Women are still not seen as equal. 

  • "The Gender Gap in Global Philanthropy: A Research Report" by the Global Philanthropic Alliance (2021) The report found that women-led charities receive less funding than their male-led counterparts.

And let me tell you what happens when women who found their inherent strength within themselves found businesses? I see them daily. They are the most resilient, strategic, and caring human beings. They have learned to outgrow the villain and are then ready to serve others who are still struggling.


 Photo by Midjourney


We are back again at the beginning of this blog post. Do you remember? We all feel that there is a change coming for humanity, right? We have a hero in this story. Let us support these heroes. They always have been the backbones of our society as mothers, sisters, and friends. They have everything they need to do a brilliant job in a world where numbers count.


Let us be open to those who want to incorporate spirituality within themselves. Stop making jokes about the things that we do not understand. It might serve us one day.


If this Blogpost has stirred something within you 
and you also feel that deep desire to make this
world a better place I have created a
Youtube SleepStory for you here

And if you are interested in incorporating spirituality into yourself and your business, you can reach me here:
[email protected]


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Wyla, aka Stephanie Ackermann