Women Will Save the World - But wait, there is the story about Money

 Photo by Midjourney

Humans have become more anxious
about their future than ever.


Numbers tell the truth, and spiritual people talk about “the coming shift.” This isn't a national thing; it's a worldwide phenomenon. You can nearly taste it in the air. Everybody feels somehow that something is off. Well, we have messed it up, in a way.


You feel that too, right? Of course, you do. We all do. So, as we are in the same picture now, I would like to ask you to follow me for a fascinating story that happens in the middle of this setting. It is often overlooked and not in the news nor the focus.

I want to tell you a story about the heroes in this setting. We all clearly know the villain, right? Yes, the clear opposite of this villain are WOMEN.

Maybe something has shifted within them too, worldwide. Because there is an increasing number of women who are founding NGOs. (A 2023 study by the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN) found that women founded 42% of...

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Is Artificial Intelligence Dangerous? Unveiling the Absence of Spiritual Intelligence in AI


For thousands of years, human history has been recorded, analyzed, and passed down through generations. This vast repository of knowledge, culture, and wisdom is now being fed into artificial intelligence (AI) systems, shaping their understanding of the world. But there's a catch. The data we're feeding them is biased. It's a reflection of our past, with all its prejudices, stereotypes, and blind spots. And one of the most overlooked of these biases is the absence of female spiritual intelligence.

As we stand on the precipice of a new era, where AI systems are poised to become an integral part of our daily lives, the implications of this bias are profound. Imagine a world where AI influences our decisions, from the books we read to the candidates we hire, from the art we create to the policies we implement. If these AI systems are biased, they could perpetuate and amplify existing inequalities, marginalizing voices that have been silenced for too long.

This isn't just...

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Wyla, aka Stephanie Ackermann